aniruddha pathak

Posts Tagged ‘nablopomo’

NaBloPoMo:Post 31:Control

In 55 words or less on July 31, 2009 at 17:55

It was a routine now.

She waited patiently for a chance.

He was concentrating deeply on the task ahead.

The sweat was tripping down his cheek.

He decided to take a sip, when he turned for a split second to reach for the bottle.

She pounced on the remote  and pressed “New Game”.

Mission achieved.

NaBloPoMo:Post 30:55 words or less:Bond

In 55 words or less on July 30, 2009 at 02:36

He caressed her face that was kissed by the moonlight.

She placed her hand on his lips, it was warm.

He brought her close to himself and placed her head slowly on his heart.

She could now see a tear trickle down his cheeks.

“I wish I could speak”

God smiled at dumb love.

NaBloPoMo:Post 28:Courage and prayer

In poetry on July 28, 2009 at 17:05

You my angel

my guiding star

mentor forever

the sweetest heart

That hug that smile

that lovely tee

those crazy times

you took side with me

And now this time

I see you smile

through all the troubles

you say you’re fine

I pray this day

to keep you safe

to keep that smile

glowing on your face

NaBloPoMo:Post 27:55 words or less: Creeper

In 55 words or less on July 27, 2009 at 18:37

It was well past midnight when it stopped raining.

The cool breeze put him to sound sleep.

He could now feel something creeping up on him.

Not one but three.

He tried opening up his eyes, only to find


“Wake up Its 8:30 am!! Wake up its 8:30 am” went his phone.

NaBloPoMo:Post 26:Pretend

In poetry on July 26, 2009 at 18:56

The way you tugged

at my coat sleeve

to hold you close

for warmth.

The way you rubbed

your nose on me

and hugged me back

each chance.

I thought it was

what my heart felt

I felt you felt it too

Ya Stupid.

Just this time

can you pretend

You’ve been loving me

Till end.

NaBloPoMo Post 25:Possession and freedom

In Uncategorized on July 25, 2009 at 19:16

It may sound weird as to why I have put freedom and possession together, but when one looks at a relationship to me they become the pivot on which the delicate balance of a relationship rests.

Of whatever little experience I have had of going through a relationship or from my friends who discuss with me there are two theories that I would like to share.

Theory 1: When one is not possessive in a relationship, one does not actually love. To show that you love someone, you need to be possessive. It feels good mind you initially. When one tells you that, “please do not go and meet your friends, spend some time with me.” One cannot help but feel that they mean something to someone. Slowly however according to me, this same possessiveness becomes the root cause of fights, moves on to creating a sense of disbelief, and then actually turns into accusations.

Theory 2: Well this actually happens to be my stupid theory, stupid because it has not worked so far for me, and I don’t think anyone out there actually concurs with what I am going to say.

Now I have always believed in keeping one free in a relationship. To me any kind of restriction starts to stifle the other person. There has to be room to breathe, room to grow, and love itself should be enough a reason to keep the person in the relation. Why should one be scared of losing the guy/girl? Have faith in the relationship, or move on because if love has failed nothing else will make a person stay in a relationship.

So what theory do you support? Or do you have a different theory 😉

NaBloPoMo:Post 22:55 words or less:Shadow dance

In Uncategorized on July 22, 2009 at 19:46

He hated late meetings as much as he feared walking past the morgue.

Today was different, Catherine had finally agreed.

The shadow kept dancing with his steps, and it was his only company.

Now he just had to cross the road and he would be home.

And then the shadow stopped dancing.

NaBloPoMo:Post 21:55 Words or less:Right Choice??

In 55 words or less on July 21, 2009 at 19:49

He had never seen her so happy.

“Oh god why always me”

It was then that he mumbled a small prayer

“Lord!! Ensure she stays this way”

He could feel the pain run through his spine now

when he finally told her “I think Rahul is the guy for you”

NaBloPoMo:Post 19:55 Words or Less:Temptation

In 55 words or less on July 19, 2009 at 06:36

It had never been so tough for her.

The whole world seemed to be conspiring against her wishes.

Every one was fast asleep.

This was her only chance, to do it.

Slowly she picked up one box placed it on top of another and climbed to reach her favourite COOKIES.

NaBloPoMo:Post 16:55 words or less:Possession

In 55 words or less on July 16, 2009 at 18:35

A long and warm embrace, and a careful kiss on the cheek.

Smita was not the kind of girl to do that?

He had approached her so many times.

This must be his lucky day, had she finally agreed to the proposal.

She gently whispered into his ears

“You think Vinay saw that?”