aniruddha pathak

Finding me

In poetry on January 25, 2009 at 01:11

Open arms are gone again
No sweet touch on sun kissed face
No messing up of curly hair
No shadow dance with lovely grace 
This time you know
you’re all alone
this time you know
why hoping on
This time you know
its not your way
Its time to rise
its time to see
Its time to dress
Its time to feel
Its time to find
the real me
  1. its so beautiful…it is sad yet reassuring to the reader. you have framed the beauty of being alone in a marvelous way.


  2. thanks ruchs, that was the purpose of the poem and you are spot on..:)


  3. sometimes we get attached to a person in such a way that we see ourselves through their eyes, but when such a dear person goes away, we start redefining everything around us- including ourselves!
    very wonderfully put! nice easy words you use, but the message they give out is intensely huge!


  4. hey @todays writer..thanks for the comment..i liked the last two lines of your comment which rhyme 😛 and i quote…

    “nice easy words you use,
    but the message they give out is intensely huge!”


  5. absolutely lovely.”Its time to find the real me”. Great line.


    • Thank you..I’m still wondering what happened to my profile link..have to work on it now 🙂


  6. so did you find the real ‘you’ ?


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