aniruddha pathak

NaBloPoMo:Post 23: Fury

In Uncategorized on July 23, 2009 at 17:59

Ok this is one random post, so you might as well not want to read.

“I’m sorry you are still hopping”
“Stop hopping for god sake and dance”
“who sent you in level 3, for god sake go and dance in level 1 first”
“God why does she have to waste my time..First i slog in office, and then come here to relax and learn something..and then this 😦 ”

“No, no, no!! not level 2, go back and learn level 1 first”
“I pay to come and learn, i am not here to teach you level 1”
Lord save me 😦

P.S:got frustrated with the kind of partners i get at dance class 😦 ..these are thoughts i have always wanted to tell them and have not πŸ˜€

This is topic of month too according to me, its routine now sadly 😦

  1. ohhh..really rrrandommmm…. :O


    • hehe i warned in advance frustrated with the kind of partners i get at dance class :D..these are thoughts i have always wanted to tell them and have not πŸ˜€


  2. Arre as long as you are enjoying yourself, who cares which level you are in? Have fun dude.


  3. LOL all the best next time!



  4. hehe… tell me bout it! I used to get very frustrated too! I used to end up teaching them their steps too!


    • πŸ™‚ tulip you are the only one who can understand this so well πŸ˜€
      I too end up teaching steps da..which i seriously dont mind..but what i do mind is when the partner has absolutely no interest in dancing :(…i dont know why they come to the class


  5. Hahahaa…I read the post, felt bad that you did not say these things aloud (how sweet!) and then notice the post title-“Fury”….I think I have lost it.. I am laughing my head off!!! πŸ˜€


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